Are you ready to break free from mindless eating?



Image of three Food Crazy Mind Eating Awareness journal templates
Image of the book Food Crazy Mind and the three Eating Awareness Journals that are part of the Food Crazy Mind Series: Eating Awareness for Binge Eaters, Eating Awareness for Emotional Eaters, and the Food & Feelings Journal

What readers are saying about Food Crazy Mind

In a delightful, spirited way, she lays bare her soul, and her willingness to be so open and vulnerable makes me willing to look at myself. – Sunnyrock

On the surface, this is a charming, funny, and candid look at the food-addicted mind.  Look deeper, and it subtly shows you what it looks like to change. -B. Keyes

I wish I had Food Crazy Mind with me at the start of my journey. Having Ms. Chessid's support, humor, frankness, and realness in my corner definitely would have made the journey of mindful eating much less frustrating and way more bearable. -HT

As a mental health professional, I believe this book can help people feel less alone in their own thinking and behavior. It's an invitation to join the journey of self-acceptance. -B. Steinman

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Davina in New York Deli
Davina in her favorite New York Deli

Davina Chessid is a personal development coach. She was voted one of the top ten coaches in New York (NYWICI). Her own struggle with out-of-control eating has helped her understand and work effectively with clients facing a similar challenge. When it comes to food, she's found a way to lose the crazy but keep the love.