About Davina
In January of 2016, I published Food Crazy Mind. Since then, I’ve been amazed by the number of people who resonate with the pain and struggle of food addiction.
Food Crazy Mind was my way of finding a solution to the craziness of living with an eating disorder. Out-of-control eating does a number on happiness and health, not to mention the waistline. But there is hope. And though there’s no magic bullet, there is a way out.
Do you suffer from compulsive, binge or emotional eating… and the reduced quality of life that accompanies them?
You’re not alone.
In Food Crazy Mind, I share my craziest moments, and reveal the thinking that used to shame and embarrass me – thinking that led to eating in secret, digging in the garbage pail and so much more. And I document my steps on the path to a saner mindset and healthier eating. You can follow my path to find your own.
You’ve probably realized harsh programs don’t work. Only compassionate understanding and a new way of thinking can provide effective, sustainable change. Most of us know the kind of choices that are healthy for us when it comes to food, but for so many, making those choices on a consistent basis seems impossible. Days and nights are centered around food, fat and body issues. I get it. I was right there. Whether or not you lose weight, gain weight or maintain your weight, you lose yourself. But I found a way to reclaim control of my life. You can, too.
After wrangling with my demons, I’ve come to a place of peace by using the strategies and solutions in Food Crazy Mind.
Contact Info: I’d love to know about your experience with the Food Crazy Mind approach, if you have stories to share or questions to ask, contact me at foodcrazymind@gmail.com.
Davina Chessid is a personal development coach. She was voted one of the top ten coaches in New York (NYWICI). Her own struggle with out-of-control eating has helped her understand and work effectively with clients facing a similar challenge. When it comes to food, she's found a way to lose the crazy but keep the love.